Progress Update :-)


Progress Update :-)

December 18, 2015
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Since our last post there are so many good things to share:
1. Dorms will be complete by December 31st
2. the Site at Kidimu has been surveyed and beacons placed so that is ready for future construction of the comprehensive educational facility
3. Full funding for two classrooms has been raised
4. Contract for construction of these two classrooms has been signed
5. Supplies to construct the building are being bought as you read this and construction will begin on Sunday of this week!
6. Home visits to Wasini Island, Vanga and Jassini in order to produce home intakes for future enrollment and to provide guidance and counseling to our surrounding villages have been completed successfully by Nassir and Anna!
7. Aid Kenya Watoto has supported Biasha from Wasini Island in the crucial efforts to improve her health by facilitating a the transport and fees to see a specialist and receive necessary care
8. Aid Kenya Watoto has also made the connection with a nonprofit called Eardrop Foundation in order to provide kids like Biasha with better health services to our deaf and hard of hearing
With all this good news we wish you well during the holiday season! We deeply love our work here and know that everyone’s involvement is making our dreams come true to see a brighter future for our deaf and hard of hearing!

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